Heavenly Splendour


"All the glories of earth are but shadows of Heavenly splendour." The Pillar of Light, verse 35

Another new-old image; this time I *really* like the updated version! This verse first appeared in April 2016, the day after my Facebook page Beyond Space & Time was made. In the Scriptures, the verse itself is positioned between two paragraphs dealing with our "restless and wearisome quest through the whole of the world" (v 40) as we either search for our true home in our Mother, or, ignorant, drift from place to place as we drift away from Her. This verse reminds us that our quite natural appreciation of this world's beauty and our drive to seek out what makes us happy can become ends in themselves -- but their true nature is to have us seek out the Source of these wondrous things.

The full verse reads: "All the glories of earth are but shadows of Heavenly splendour; all earthly desires but reflections of Heavenly love."
