Season of the Star

Welcome Astraea!

That most blessed of months, Astraea is here: the month in which we observe Advent and celebrate Nativity!

In the modern/current Filianic calendar, Advent begins on the first day of Astraea and continues until Filiadi Eve; Filiadi/Nativity then falls on the last day of Astraea. In the older calendar, Advent moved quite a lot, and Filiadi tended to be observed in Herthe (you can learn about these changes here). For this reason, there is something of a 'crunch' where holidays begin to overlap (for instance, Geniad is now on the same day as Filiadi)

'Astraea' itself means 'star maiden' and is another name for the Janya of the Sky, Ourania ('heavenly'). The Star of all stars arrives this month as the Mother comes to us, and the star fairy flits through the air to bring gifts at the head of her airy troupe.

I hope a very happy Astraea lies ahead of us all! Welcome winter!
