Advent Eve

Advent begins tomorrow!

Today is the last day of autumn & the month of Werdë in the Filianic Calendar. Tomorrow is the first day of the winter season, the first day of Astraea, and the start of the first week of Advent.

There is always so much to cover in our winter holiday season! More than any other time of year, there is a lot going on. And I have a lot planned! Last year's posts are great resources for much of Advent, though I will try to cover the same ground this year. I found that I might have focused a bit too much on Advent last season as I didn't have much prepared for Nativity itself or the days following, so this season there are a few projects I've been working on including a long deep dive work that I'm rather proud of.

I pray your Advent this year is a blessed one and bears much fruit!
