By (Y)our Love

"For by your love the world shall be redeemed, even to the last blade of grass." Pillar of Light, v20.

This is an interesting verse, framed as a dialogue wherein the Daughter speaks to us directly. Thus the 'you' in this verse is us, the reader; it is *our* love toward our Mother that shall redeem the world.

I recently had a bit of a shakeup in my spiritual life. It felt very much like a lot of other similar "shakeups" in my past, ones in which I usually spiral into a very unhappy state that takes a long time to come out of. But -- it didn't happen. I went with it, explored the problems that were coming up for me, all settled back down comfortably.

I've never had that happen before. It feels....almost cosy, in a way? Like I went out for a trip through a big, imposing, fast-paced city and came back to sit down in my little cottage in the woods. It was a fascinating place, that city, and I did a lot of window shopping, but here I am back in my favourite place. Settled.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that this chapter of our Scriptures definitely helped. Much of this chapter can help the wayward soul who all too often gets distracted by the shiny things in other people's windows!

Pillar of Light, verses 17-20:
The world is but a shadow, yet it is a shadow of truth; and at the ending of the age the world shall be redeemed. Neither a leaf upon a bramble shall be lost, nor a blade of grass pass into nothingness. But you, My children, of all the world, you alone have power to choose; and thus you are called maid, for maid is she that has the power of choosing. Fix then your will upon the truth and your heart upon the Spirit My Mother, for by your love the world shall be redeemed, even to the last blade of grass.
