Last Day of Spring

It is the last day of Spring in the Filianic calendar! We are now moving from the Daughter half of the year to the Mother half of the year (more on that in the post tomorrow!).

We're only through the first season of this year, and the influence of Sai Rhavë has been painfully obvious to all. It's been extremely busy, what with the pandemic, and now global protests. As written on the Mother God website:

"Sai Rhavë is the "darkest" of the Janyati, often associated with severity and austerity. She is also associated with steadfastness and foundation. All that is solid and weighty belongs to her, as does all restriction and discipline."

"Thus Sai Rhavë is in one sense closely allied with Sai Thamë, as the discipline which maintains order, yet, in another sense, as the bringer of restriction, she appears to the opposite of Sai Thamë, the "Great Benefic" who showers the world with her opulence, and of Sai Sushuri, the mother of all fecundity. Sai Thamë, Sai Sushuri and Sai Rhavë together represent a group whose complex interactions revolve about the principles of order, discipline, harmony, fecundity, restriction, mercy and severity."

And indeed, we saw a lot of restriction during the spread of the pandemic that is barely lifting now. The association of this Janya with foundations, order, and structure seems well reflected in the current state of the world, in that the tendency to shake up what is there to see what is worth keeping is certainly occurring now, both with the protests and with the lurking fallout from the pandemic itself.

(And since many of us also noticed the year's ruling Janya has an increased effect in Moura, I'm already feeling apprehensive about the end of the year!)

Mother God on Sai Rhavë:
