Sai Candre's Year

Welcome to a new year, 3342! This year, beginning on a Monday, is under the auspices of Sai Candrë, the Janya most closely associated with the Daughter, and thus the lunar realm (also known as the sublunar realm: anything below the moon, from the moon down to us). Sai Candrë is associated with the colours of the moon: white and silver, as well as violet; with priestesses and psychic ability. This realm concerns the mind, memory, thought, and imagination, as well as time and its regulation.

In a way, Sai Candrë is the patroness of my entire endeavour here on this blog, as it is with both the imagination and measurement of time that this entire project began and became what it is today. (Looking back after writing that, I am delighted to discover I actually did begin my year-long project to illustrate the calendar in Abolan 3336 [autumn of 2016], a year ruled by Sai Candrë!)

It is sobering and exciting to think that this blog has been around for seven years! Though not seven consistent years, it has been a part of my life off and on for those years, through many ups and downs, doubts and dark nights and full faith. The most intriguing part, however, especially to the doubtful side of my nature, has been to see the Janyati 'in action' so to speak.

To see their nature over the course of the years, and feel the influence they impart has become one of the greatest silencer to the Doubt that comes creeping from time to time. From Sai Mati's no-nonsense approach, to Sai Rhavë's quiet reminders and motherly guidance, to the glow and insight of Sai Raya this past month, it's been absolutely fascinating to be introduced to each of them in this fashion. There's something to all this, a spiritual reality working away even when I am unaware -- as with the beginning of this blog! I may think hopefully that through me at least a few people have been introduced to Filianism, particularly through the Facebook page, and that this work was under the auspice of an angel of Our Lady: I may have hope that this work is not wholly useless, though I cringe to think of how I have gone about it at times! I am but a very small player, a small tool in the vast universe, but perhaps I have played a part destined for me. I can only pray I do this with more awareness going forward and do better over the next seven years!

A very happy new year to you, and I pray you have many blessings in the coming year!

