Herthe & Home

It is a new month!

Herthe has begun. This month we continue the festivities of the Filiadies until Herthe 11, mark the Day of Sai Herthe on Herthe 6, and celebrate Princess Day on Herthe 12.

Herthe is named for Hestia, the Goddess of the Hearth & ever-living flame, which is what we are all in constant remembrance of during these cold winter months! As with many Goddesses (such as Lady Athene, whose day we marked in Astraea) Hestia was brought into Filianism as an angel, much the same as Goddesses were brought into Christianity as saints. Honouring Sai Herthe on Hestiad during the Filiadies renews our connection to our homes and the divine light at the heart of all things.


(Please note there is an error on the Google Filianic Calendar for this month, as the feast of Sancta Rosa Lucia in honour of the apparitions at Lourdes actually falls on February 11/Brighe 20.)
