Advent Week 3: Angels

 In the third week of Advent, we light three candles.


If you have a set of four candles where one is differently colored to the rest, this is the week to use it! We light the two candles we lit the past two weeks (or their replacements) and a third candle tonight.

This is one of the brightest nights of Advent! The third candle really makes a difference in how bright a space will look, and suddenly the first night will seem dim in retrospect. In Catholic churches, this is Gaudete (Joyous); the time when we take a break from our fasts and prayers to revel in the knowledge that the Birth is now so close.

Verses for Week 3

This week, the Janyati (angels) come to join us in singing our Mother's praises. We hear the words of the Janya chosen to guard the way to the cave, and the admonition of the Daughter as Queen of Heaven reminding those heavenly beings to lend us their aid.

Mythos of the Divine Maid, Chapter 2:7-11
And the voice of the Janya was like to the rushing of a thousand waters. And she spoke, saying: Be not afraid, for a new light is dawning over the world. Be not afraid, but approach no further, for if you cannot look on me, how should you look upon my Lady, whose handmaiden I am? And her voice grew gentle, like the wind among the icicles, and sweet beyond all telling. And she spoke, saying: This night shall a Child be born that shall be the Daughter of Light and the Princess of all the world. A Child is coming that shall carry the Light of Dea into every part of creation, even to the most desolate of the places of darkness.

Mythos of the Divine Maid, Chapter 7:14
And She said to them [the children of Heaven]: Do not forget your sisters of the earth, but move yourselves among them and hear their voices; lend them succour and breathe with them in their upward aspiration.

Make merry and be glad -- Our Lady is coming to us!
