Chelanya Eve

Tomorrow is the Feast of Chelanya! A major festival, Chelanya is about regeneration, rebirth, reconnecting with Our Mother. Corn is often used as a symbol of this festival, but it is good to remember that 'corn' here is used to mean any grain, not just literal corn-on-the-cob.

Given the association with the harvest and the grain itself, breads and grain-based products are a mainstay of the celebration. Offerings of small cakes and breads are common, but other grain based goods -- oat or other alternative milks, for example -- could be an option if you have them to hand. You can colour or draw a picture of harvests, fields, grains, or other things that remind you of the meanings of this day.

Chelanya, or the Golden Festival, is about bountiful plenty, of Our Mother's eternal love for us -- find a way to indulge yourself with something pleasant, pray a rosary in thanks, and be joyous!
