But Not Their Inner Truth

I'm back!

I've taken quite a break -- not entirely on purpose; there's been a lot going on in life lately. Grandparents came across the country to live here in the desert with us now so we've all been very busy helping them move in to their new place and spending lots of time together, which has been nice. Luckily, it all got busy *after* our holiday season!

If you saw some of my posts back around Nativity, I mentioned briefly that there was some unexpected family drama that cropped up out of the blue for us. It's honestly one of the most exhausting and life-altering things that's happened to me.

Long, difficult story short, my sister and closest friend said that our relationship was all fake, that she was none of the things we knew her to be, and she wanted nothing to do with us -- our family -- anymore. She's a completely different person now, very suddenly. In the months since Nativity, there's been several changes in her behavior to the point where after cutting all ties, she's come back, showing up for get togethers and coming down to see our grandparents. It's been very difficult to watch her behave as though nothing has happened, knowing that she has made it quite clear she doesn't like us.  


These verses sort of stand out after all that's happened. What then, indeed, is the wisdom of the world that knows only the outward shows of things -- or in the Daughter's words from The Light: "Of no single maid shall you say anything, for it is given to you to see but the outward part, and in the outward part lies not the truth, but only in the inward being." (The Light, verse 12)

It's always a bit difficult to get back in the groove once I've taken a break! I'm not 100% happy with these, but I'm getting back into it. Everything has settled down the move, with just a bit of a stuffed garage to go, haha, and I'm working on letting go of the other things. It's been hard in more than one way, as I don't have much chance to get it all off my chest; and as this was once the one relationship I could absolutely count on for the rest of my life, it's been very unsettling to look forward and envision the future without my sister in it. I wasn't in the best place to be sharing verses and spiritual things as I was very stuck in to my own personal issues, but I feel like I'm moving through it now (Goddess willing!).

I hope all of you are doing well, having a good spring and enjoying the start of the year! I completely forgot the image for Culverine and Maia, but I'll have those up soon. Looking forward to getting back into the groove!
