Day of Werde 3340

 Today is the Day of Werde!

According to the ECE (pg 256):
This day is dedicated to Sai Werdë, the Janya of personal fate, who weaves the threads of all our lives, each following its own path, and yet related to the whole, as the threads in a piece of tapestry. Her particular symbols are the wheel and the scales, as well as her creatures: the swan, the bee (honey and mead are traditional fare for the festival) and the spider. This day is especially one for examining the direction of one’s soul and making resolutions for the future, for our present choices create our future werdë. In late antiquity, this day was celebrated as the festival of Nemesis, ‘goddess’ of fate, who, like Sai Werdë, was depicted carrying a wheel, an apple bough (representing Avala, the paradise of the Daughter) and a scourge.

When I was a newbie Filyani, this day seemed most like a day for resolutions - evaluating what you've been doing this year, whether you want to keep going that way for the rest of the year, and making changes as necessary; though it is also very much about your entire life path, not just one year of it!

This is a low festival (not a high festival like the major holidays), and therefore doesn't have many things you 'do' to mark the day. There is definitely plenty of interesting reading to do on the subject, though, as you can see below:

Day of Werde (festival):
Werde (fate, the wheel of life):
The Three Fates:
Time & Fate:
The ECE (our Scriptures) HERE.
