Hera 3341

It is now the third (& last) month of spring! Many places are now starting to see some properly summery weather, though where I am has enjoyed some (very rare) unseasonable weather, with cold nights creeping back in -- I'm very thankful!!

The only universally marked festival this month is Floralia (or Florimaia), the feast of flowers. 🌸🌼🌷

'Hera' may be named after the Queen of the Gods in Greek myth, Hera, as May is traditionally associated with the Queen of Heaven; or as a feminine version of the English word 'hero.' In Aristasian/Chelouranyan sources, the first day of Hera is celebrated as Sai Rayanna's Day: a legendary hera/heroine who defeated a great army of demons and began the Caeran Empire. The calendar date 3341 (known as the Imperial Era date) uses this legendary event as the origin point (year zero), and is the date you see most often on this page.

More on the year dates in use in Filianism:
Sai Rayanna:
