Spring Cleaning

Moura doesn’t have to be focused solely on taking away – such as with our practice of giving up sweets – but can instead be about taking on. These are often called disciplines: the taking on of something, usually a little difficult, to perform regularly or as a goal to achieve by the end of the month. These are often spiritual in nature because this month is such an intensely spiritual time, but don’t have to be solely prayers. Exercise and physically strenuous endeavours can be taken on when looked at through a spiritual lens. Focusing on breaking bad habits and letting go of behaviours that aren’t in our best interests are both worthy disciplines for the month of Moura, and of course can be continued past Eastre if need be.
Spring cleaning, particularly in the latter part of the month, is a common practice! Both on a practical note, to get the house physically in order for the holiday, and on a spiritual note, cleaning our space up can have many layers of meaning. A discipline for Moura could also be preparing in some way for our new year, spending time on something that you would like to have done or set up, ready to go when Eastre arrives.
Have you taken on something for Moura? Given something up? A mix of both? I wish you the best in your endeavours!
