All That Is

"All that is was fashioned by My Mother out of the laughter of Her heart and the skill of Her hands, and all that is very good, more than any soul can know." The Secret of the World, v4
I tried making this image a bunch of times, and this time it just seemed to work really well!
This chapter is framed as a dialogue where the Daughter Herself is speaking to us, hence the 'm' in 'My' is capitalised ('My Mother'). Much of this chapter would fit well with our last scripture image (for the world is as a crazed and spotted mirror, reflecting the perfect country of eternity), as it also talks about khear (or kear) and how it affects the world around us. But here at the start, again we are reminded that though everything is 'run through' with khear, there is still Goodness and inherent worth in this world we inhabit -- for all things were made by our Mother.
