Vois 3340

Today is the first day of Vois!

We are now in the second month of autumn. The word "Vois" is linguistically related to the word cow (through the Proto Indo-European root *gwou-); the devotional book A Year with Dea says Vois "is named for the cow and butter she provides". In early Filianic work you may see Vois given as meaning "Speech of Angels"; the connection is unclear at this point.

This is also the Rosary Month. It is encouraged during this month to pray a daily rosary. We mark the day of Our Lady of Fátima during Vois (11 Vois/13 Oct), an apparition of Mary who asked for the praying of the rosary for world peace and an end to WWI.

And at the end of this month is Tamala, which coincides with Halloween, and is a three-day celebration that covers All Hallows, All Souls Day, and All Saints Day!
