Cuivanya & Inward Meaning

Gearing up for Cuivanya next week! This verse is a common verse for contemplation during Cuivanya, so it seemed appropriate to bring it back. Not just this verse, but this entire chapter of our Scriptures is good for contemplation during this time, as we move into the darker half of the year, reminding us to reflect and go within.

I am really rather interested in Cuivanya this year, as it is primarily a festival of the Dark Mother, the representation of God as the Ground of All Being, the unknowable, vast, form of God Herself -- and this is a year ruled by the Janya Sai Rhavë, who is a representation of the Dark Mother. With a doubling up of meaning, as it were, I wonder if Cuivanya may also feel a little 'strong' this year....

Image reads: "Not even a star falls in the farthest corner of the universe without an inward meaning." (Thoughts of the Mind - also known as "Teachings of the Daughter" - verse 29, ECE/NCU)
