Hiatus 3336

A day out of time - the end of the year. I really like this photo, with the Persephone symbolism of the pomegranate, coupled with the clock and the reminder of time behind it - it seems perfect for this day beyond time.

There is a lot of discussion and beautiful meaning behind the sacrifice of the Daughter. In writing on the meaning of sacrifice in Filianism and Deanism, Race MoChridhe illustrates what the Daughter does for us perfectly:
    The Daughter’s sacrifice is ultimate because the effect of her descent was to bring Her Mother’s Light into every corner of the cosmos—inseparably to bond the nature of every created thing back to the divine nature. She is the love that holds the stars within their courses (The Crystal Tablet, v. 34), and in this way is Herself become the quintessence—the fifth element that binds the other four together to make manifest existence possible.

    Hanged upon the pillar of the world, She is become that pillar, replacing its being with Her own like minerals replace bone in a fossil, so that all creation hangs now upon Her. (Remembering, of course, that the Mythos expresses in the language of time truths which are outside of time, such that we should not imagine that there was ever a time when the cosmos was not constituted thus.) To bond a thing indissolubly with God’s own being is, of course, the greatest possible “making sacred” of it, and thus the greatest possible sacrifice.

    It is not that we have nothing as valuable as a divine child to give up, but that we cannot possibly make anything more sacred than She has already made it. Americans might think of the words of Abraham Lincoln when, in his famous Gettysburg Address, he declared of that battlefield where so many had been slain that, “We are come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place… But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far beyond our meagre power to add or detract.”

    So must we say of the whole cosmos in the light of the Daughter’s sacrifice.
In a very strict, thealogical sense, then, there is only one, and has only ever been one, and can only ever be one sacrifice, and that is the sacrifice which the Daughter is eternally making.
All of creation is only possible because of the Daughter's descent & sacrifice, and this is the 'day' in which it happens - it is also the day in which we are symbolically cut off from the Mother. For Hiatus, then, we cover all images of the Mother and the Daughter - veiling both pictures and statues - and keeping ourselves present in the current moment, instead of planning for the future.

Many also wear headcoverings/veils on this day if they are able to. Some wear black, as in mourning. Prayers to the Mother to save Her Daughter and special chants are especially appropriate today.

May everyone be brought in safety and health to the new year!  
