Welcome Winter!

Astraea - the first month of Winter - has arrived!

The Sacred Season of Winter begins today, lasting for three months: Astraea, named for the Nativity Star; Herthe, and Brighe, both named for the Janya/Angels of the same names. The season ends February 19 on the Eve of Moura.

Advent begins the first day of Astraea, falling on 28 November this year for Filyani, with a candle being lit each week until Nativity begins on 28 Astraea/Dec 25. Nativity lasts for 12 days, ending on 11 Herthe/January 5; followed immediately by Princess Day or Epiphany on 12 Herthe/January 6.

Luciad is the next festival, and last festival in the winter season, on 11 Brighe/February 2, a festival of lights and coming spring.
