
At last!

The blog is finally ready for business!

Please take a look around - as we get into full gear, there will be more and more pieces appearing!

You can find the images I post here on Facebook, on Pinterest, and on Tumblr! Blog posts will also be cross-posted to Facebook. Please do consider joining the Filianic Prayer Group on Facebook (run by the lovely Deb Miskell), the De'anic Forums run by Glenn King, or the De'anic Conversations Yahoo group, also run by Glenn. Check out fellow Filianic/De'anic bloggers at the bottom of the page, and related links over on the side of the page!

I do take requests! If you would like an image of your favourite verse, or even just a word, I would be happy to make something for you, and work with you to get it to where you like it. I use images in the public domain, so you don't have to worry about attributions or where you can share it. I want these images out there on the web, so please don't feel shy about sharing on your favourite social platforms!

I use the Filianic Scriptures, New Celestial Union version, so there may be some slight difference in wording in some portions of the text. If you would rather I make an image with your version of the text, I'm quite alright with that as well!

If you would like to make any requests or ask any questions, please feel free to send me an email at Filianism.Deanism@gmail.com, post a comment on any blog post or Pinterest image, send me an Ask on Tumblr, or comment on/message me through Facebook!
